J.N. Pease Environmental Group (JPEG) is a South Carolina-based consulting firm that specializes in environmental due diligence for real estate sales and acquisition projects. JPEG’s primary area of expertise is in conducting Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I ESA & Phase II ESA) along with common due diligence services such as lead-based paint (LBP) risk assessments/inspections and asbestos surveys. Since the company was founded in 2002, JPEG has contracted with local and regional developers, commercial lenders, real estate attorneys, municipalities, architects and civil engineering firms located across the Southeast United States to execute Phase I ESA projects prior to the sales, acquisition and/or refinancing or real estate. JPEG personnel have assessed thousands of properties ranging from industrial facilities to golf courses, corner gas stations to 10,000-acre timber tracts and everything in between. Our Phase I ESA reports are AAI-Compliant (40 CRF Part 312) and performed in accordance with ASTM Standard E 1527-21 and other client/lender-specified protocols.